• The Christchurch Medicines Information Service is part of the Clinical Pharmacology department at Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury.
  • We provide health professionals in community or hospital with an independent source of information to promote safe, rational, efficacious and economic use of medicines.

Contact details

Phone (03) 364-0900
Email medicines.information@cdhb.health.nz
Post Clinical Pharmacology Department, Christchurch Hospital, Private Bag 4710, Christchurch 8140
Web enquiry medicinesinformation.co.nz/enquiries/
ERMS referral Pharmacology → Medicines Information Service
Hours Hours: 8:00 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
Note: phone enquiries are preferable to allow for discussion and a quick response.

Our team

Marie-Claire Morahan

Medicines Information Pharmacist

Marie-Claire joined the Clinical Pharmacology team after nine years of practice in clinical pharmacy. She is currently working as a Medicines Information Pharmacist and is also involved in the MyMedicines project. Marie-Claire has worked in various hospitals around New Zealand, as well as spending three years in London as a nutrition and aseptic services pharmacist. She has completed a post-graduate certificate in clinical pharmacy from the University of Otago.

Tracey Borrie

Medicines Information Pharmacist

Tracey has been with the Christchurch Medicines Information Service since 2008. Her background has largely been as a clinical pharmacist in hospitals in NZ, England, Uganda, and Ireland, including 2 years as a Haematology/Oncology Pharmacist. Tracey is also part of a research project with the University of Otago looking at deprescribing in aged residential care by undertaking Medicine Therapy Assessments (MTAs). Tracey completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy with the University of Otago.

Julie Knight

Medicines Information Pharmacist

Julie has worked in a variety of pharmacist roles in both primary and secondary care including clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical facilitation. Most recently she has been involved in the development of educational resources for healthcare professionals with a focus on various aspects of prescribing. Her main area of interest involves the provision of independent information that promotes the safe use of medicines.

Bruce Hastie

Medicines Information Pharmacist

Bruce joined the Clinical Pharmacology department as a Medicines Information pharmacist following ten years experience in the New Zealand pharmaceutical industry. Prior to that, Bruce has twenty years experience in hospital pharmacy, with a wide variety of roles including compounding of aseptic products, as a clinical pharmacist primarily working in Haematology and Oncology, and as a Pharmacy Service Manager. Bruce has completed a Fellowship of the New Zealand College of Pharmacists.

Matt Doogue

Clinical Pharmacologist | Endocrinologist | Clinical Director

Matt is a consultant physician at Christchurch Hospital with particular responsibilities in medicines governance and “eMedicines”. He is a member of the Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch and co-ordinates Clinical Pharmacology teaching. His research interests include adverse drug reactions, drug concentration monitoring, drug interactions, pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics in particular patient groups, and clincial decision support.

Murray Barclay

Clinical Pharmacologist | Gastroenterologist

Murray is a clinical pharmacologist and gastroenterologist at Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury. Murray’s research interests include inflammatory bowel disease genetics and pharmacogenetics, medicines in gastroenterology, and drug concentration monitoring. He runs clinical trials of new medicines in gastroenterology and has an interest in web-based interactive teaching in medicine.